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of Gender

Spring 2021 & Fall 2021

Instructed and designed Psychology of Gender for an online and in-person format using intersectional feminist pedagogy and the pedagogy of the oppressed.


Students routinely completed formative class discussions and reflections while working towards summative unit projects including a community activism proposal, disseminating research on gender-based prejudice, and writing a persuasive essay on essentialist/constructivist perspectives.


Students spend 1 month of the class reading the memoir I am Malala, applying psychological theory to her experiences, and considering their own positionality in relation to the book. 

Course Syllabus

This is a graphic syllabus for the Spring 2021 hybrid course. Click on the image below for full syllabus. 


Presentation- Summer 2021- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference 

This presentation focused on liberation psychology, incorporating liberation into psychology of gender, and student perceptions of the content from a mixed methods study. Click on the image below to play the presentation. 

Lib Psych Presentation.PNG
Course Graphics (Created in Canva)
Homepage 1.PNG
Homepage 2.PNG

© 2023 by Sarah Wheat.
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