Faculty- Psychology
Portland Community College
Southeastern Campus
Ph.D. Candidate
Experimental-Social Psychology
New Mexico State University

New Mexico State University
Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Psychology
2023-Anticipated Graduation
(Click on the picture of Las Cruces to take you to the NMSU psychology homepage)
Ball State University
Master of Arts in Social Psychology- General
December 2017
Briar Cliff University
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Minor in Theater
May 2015
*Study Abroad
Central College Abroad- Bangor, Wales
Fall 2013 Semester
Madson, L., Hout, M., Wheat, S., & Fraune, M. (under review). Students in team-based learning classes report greater perceived social support. Submitted to Teaching of Psychology.
What, S. (in preparation). What about us? College student's perceptions of ideal high school sexuality education. To be submitted to the American Journal of Sexuality Education.
Wheat, S., A.F., Thomas, & Wosick, K., (in preparation). Who’s going down? Oral sex behaviors in men and women, updating the gender gap. To be submitted to Sex Roles.
Wheat, S., & Steinkopf, J. (in preparation). Teaching them young: A content analysis of sexual shame messages portrayed in purity culture social media spaces. To be submitted to Psychology and Sexuality.
Textbook Inclusions
Wheat, S. (2022). Research in Acton: LGBTQ+ inclusive sexual education in the United States. To be included in Lifespan Development, 3rd Edition.
Conference Attendance and Presentations
Oral Presentations
Wheat, S., & Steinkopf, J. (2023, February). Teaching them young: A qualitative content analysis of sexual shame messages in social media. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Sexuality Preconference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Wheat, S., & Lehmiller, J. (2022, February). Can friends with benefits go back to being friends? Presented in symposium at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Francisco, California and Online.
Wheat, S. (2022, February). Analyzing I am Malala: Using memoir as pedagogy in the psychology of gender. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Teaching Preconference, San Franciso California and Online.
Wheat, S., Thomas, A.F., & Wosick, K. (2021, November). A question of gender? Sexual perfectionism in oral sex behaviors. Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Wheat, S. (2021, August). Bringing liberation psychology into teaching the psychology of gender. Presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, August 2021, online.
Thomas, A.F., Wheat, S., & Wosick. K. (2020, November). Who’s going down? racial and ethnic differences in frequencies and motivations of oral sex. Presented at New Mexico State University- Research and Creativity Week 2020.
Wheat, S., & Madson, L. (2020, November). Student satisfaction, accuracy perceptions, and content of high school sex education. Brief Communication presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, Online.
Gerstein, L., Blom, L., Wheat, S. (2017, April). Employing physical activities and sport to promote social change and justice: The group fitness Salad Bowl. Presented at Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Muncie, Indiana.
Wheat, S., Blom, L., Kraus, R., & Lehmiller, J. (2017, April). Perceptions of the male group fitness environment: Gender, masculinity, and coaching considerations. Presented at the Social Justice through Sport and Exercise Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Lower, L., & Wheat, S. (2016, November). Competitive rec: characteristics and leadership of diverse sports clubs. Presented at Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Wheat, S., & Lower, L. (2016, November). Description of the college group fitness participant: Implications for adoption and adherence. Presented at Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Poster Presentations
Dearie, M., Wheat, S., Hout, M., & Madson, M. (2023, April). Students' perceptions of team-based learning: Benefits, drawbacks, and enduring friendships. Presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Riverside, California.
Madson, L., Wheat, S., Hout, M., & Fraune, M. (2022, April). Team-based learning fosters student friendships that endure beyond the semester. Presented at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching, Louisville, Kentucky.
Wheat S., Rheman, M., & Olvera, D. (2021, November). Wouldn't it be lovely? College students perceptions of their ideal high school sexual education. Presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Wheat S., Thomas, A.F., & Wosick, K. (2021, February). Who’s Going Down? Gender Differences in Frequency, Motivations, and Partner Expectations of Oral Sex. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, online.
Wheat, S., & Coker-Cranney, A. (2020, January). Beyond 'Breaking the Ice': Building a Team in the Classroom. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology conference, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Wheat, S., Vaughn, D., Smith, J., & Lehmiller, J. (2016, May). The link between personality and relationship satisfaction in friends with benefits and romantic partners. Presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Attended Conferences- No Presentations
Online Teaching of Psychology Conference
November 2020
National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (Virtual)
January 2021
Invited Presentations
Community College Data Science Conference, 1st Annual. Using Data in Research Panel. (2021, May).
LGBTQIA+ Panel- Nebraska State Thespian Society Festival (2021, January).
Guest Lectures
Thomas, A.F., Wheat, S., & Wosick, K. (2020, November). Gendered oral sexpectations. Presented at New Mexico State University, Psychology Colloquium Series.
Wheat, S. (2019, November). Nonexperimental research: Survey design and qualitative methodology. Presented at New Mexico State University, Advanced Research Seminar Course.
Wheat, S. (2017, November). Gender in Sport & Exercise. Presented at West Virginia University, Sport & Society Course.
Teaching Academy Most Distinguished Graduate Student
New Mexico State University- Spring 2022
Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award
New Mexico State University- Spring 2021

Grants & Fellowships
Funded External Grant
NIRSA Research Grant, Co-Investigator (PI Leeann Lower)
Applied for: The Collegiate Sport Club Model: Organization Structure, Management, and Outcomes
Competitive, External
Amount Requested: $10,000
Summer 2016
Applied External Grant
Bisexual Foundation Scholarship Award, Primary Investigator
Applied for: Experiences of Bisexual Women in Learning about Sex
Competitive, External
Amount Requested: $1,000
Spring 2020
Funded Internal Grant
NMSU College of Arts and Sciences Student Travel Grant
Applied for: Conference Travel- SPSP 2022
Competitive, Internal
Amount Requested: $264
Fall 2022
Explora Research Communications Fellowship
September 2019-August 2020
Professional Memberships
APA Division 2- Society for the Teaching of Psychology
January 2020-Current
APA Division 8- Society for Personality and Social Psychology January 2020-Current
APA Division 9- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues March 2020-Current