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Faculty- Psychology
Portland Community College
Southeastern Campus
Ph.D. Candidate
Experimental-Social Psychology
New Mexico State University


Project | 01
Manuscript in Preparation | Oral Sex Expectations, Motivations, and Frequencies
This project, currently being prepared as a manuscript, focuses on motivations, expectations, and frequencies of giving and receiving oral genital contact (oral sex).

Project | 02
Project in Analysis | Perceptions of High School Sexual Education Experiences
This project, currently in data analysis, focuses on college students satisfaction with, remembered content of, and what would have been their ideal high school sexual education experiences.

Project | 03
Project in Data Collection| Let's Do It! How Bisexual Women Learn about Sex.
This qualitative investigation, currently under data collection, focuses on how young women who identify as bisexual have and continue to learn bout sex.
To see more or discuss possible collaborations let's talk >>
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